Digital Disconnect

Digital Disconnect, almost sounds like a nightmare if the idea of it was introduced to majority of the youth population in this Digital World. I myself for once do not start my day or even get out of bed without catching up on what happened the previous night in my digital social network.
first thing in the morning
Social Media – first thing in the morning

Weather its checking notifications on Facebook, or replying to messagesstarting a chat with a friend, or simply browsing through the news-feed to check the daily happenings of friends & family; it is safe to say that Facebook, above all other social networking sites, have become the best form of communication (i.e – keeping touch) with peers of all sorts.

My Digital Disconnect was not a pleasant one. It had begun when I woke up in the morning and got re-directed to the “Log-in” page instead of the Homepage of my Facebook on my phone, thus reminding me of the next 24 hours ahead of me with no social media.

 Throughout the whole time, it was almost as if I was tempted to go on Facebook, check my Instagram, know what my favorite celebrities are up to on Twitter, check my friend’s stories on Snapchat, Just Because I was in a sense of digital disconnect; the fact that I could not engage in social media made me want to get on it even more than usual.

But, I kept telling myself about some of the internet addiction videos I had seen and that I was not one of them. Every time I kept reminding myself that, it got easier as I got involved in other activities and took my mind off social media. However, I am not in denial of the fact that I did need reminding numerous times, which speaks of the hold social media has over me. My digital disconnect was an interesting experience.
At the end, the following video helped get through the 24 hours

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